Saturday, July 26, 2008

All four seasons in one week

There's a great song by Sting that talks about a woman who can be "all four seasons in one day." That's the kind of week we've had.

Anya Rashi's new words were our "spring." She mastered so many this week, including ribbit, blueberry, juice, knee, and please. She has also stopped using the sign for "more," and now speaks the word instead -- unless she really wants something, when she does both. This stage of language explosion is one of my favorite parts of the toddler years. It's so exciting to see her mind make connections.

Our "summer" news this week was celebrating 11 years of marriage! Today, eleven years ago, was the day we promised to love each other for the rest of our lives. I knew life with Peter would never be boring, but I could never have guessed all the twists and turns that have landed us here with three amazing, unique children and hearts that are even more alive than they were on our wedding day.

The "autumn" of our week was waiting for news about a surgery undergone by our dear friend Trina. Autumn, however, turned into spring as we received news that the procedure was a success, and was shorter than anticipated.

To celebrate, we drove to Green Bay and spent the afternoon with Trina's son Tyler. Mini-golf was well tolerated by Anya Rashi, who normally doesn't like to spend much time in the stroller. She got in the game by throwing her ball onto the greens. Afterward, all four boys took a few turns around the go-kart track. Peter and Tyler drove, with Aaron and Nathan riding shotgun. Aaron and Nathan are hooked, needless to say! They had a ball. Anya Rashi had her own ride in a coin-operated kiddie car. She loved it, and kept asking and signing for more.

Sadly, "winter" entered our week on Wednesday, when Peter's aunt Shirley passed away. She will be dearly missed by her four sisters, including Peter's mom. The strangest things provide comfort during times of loss. As I was freezing blueberries this week, I thought about how we would recapture a bit of summer during the cold months with blueberry crisps and pies. It made me think about how memories do the same thing when we're in the winter of missing people who have died.

Meanwhile, we hope for the day when we will see her again, out of pain, in heaven. Please keep her sisters, especially Peter's mom Mary Ann, in your prayers.


Fenwick 5 said...

Hello,It is amazing how life can throw so many different seasons at once and just like the temps and signs are different in each season,compared to life in how we handle different moments according to emotions and actions.Wonderful thought!!!
You have a beautiful family.Gidget

Kty said...

Nancy, Again I am sorry about Peter's aunt. In the same breath, "Congratulations" on your anniversary! Isn't it comforting that we receive grace and joy from the One who made the seasons? I pray for His presence in your family's hearts. I love the pic with Peter in the go-kart, I just wonder who is hooked? Looks like a blast!

The Labontes said...

What a lovely metaphor! Congrats on your anniversary and condolences on the loss of a family member. Our prayers are with you.

Julie & Patrick said...

Unfortunatley, life requires it's balances, but I love how you brought your week to life for us...the blog stalkers!

congratulations in one breath and I'm so sorry in the next.

Julie R

Cindy said...

Happy Anniversary Nancy & Peter!! 11 years, that is wonderful. . .

I am continuing to lift up your family (especially Peter and his mom) in prayer. . .

You have a BEAUTIFUL family--I love to look at old photographs to remember my loved ones who have gone on. . . later!

And, yes--I am a very BIG BLOG STALKER!!! I need to go to an BTA (blog stalker anonymous) meeting, I guess....HA!

Pam said...

Oh Nancy. What a week you have had. I'm sorry for the loss of your family. Yet, I am so thankful for the hope of heaven. Makes it all bearable somehow.
I'm so glad Anya Rashi is doing so well. She is adorable!