Monday, September 22, 2008

A slice of normal life

So . . . the past two weeks have been full of lots of "normal." No big huge summer activities, but lots of details I don't want to forget. I want to remember what my kids were really doing at different ages, and I know from eight years of experience that the things you think you'll always recall -- well, let's just say that in the rush of life, they get lost more often than I want them to.

The pictures are of:
1.) & 2.) Anya Rashi climbing our playset and sliding down all by herself
3.) My amazing mother-in-law reading to Anya Rashi in the backyard
4.) Our kids playing with our neighbor Jadyn in a homemade porch fort (until their snack resulted in The Great Wasp Invasion of '08)
5.) Our two Spidermen taking on Daddy in a wrestling match
6.) A very chaotic -- but fun! -- dinner with our Indiana pal Jane, and our friend Kathy's kids. There were 6 kids ages 8 and under in our house from 3:30 on . . . yipes! Anya Rashi declined to sit still long enough to be photographed. :o)

A very sincere conversation heard before swimming lessons today:
Aaron: "Is it just me, or does something smell like camel poop?"
Nathan: "I think it's my feet."
'Nuff said!


The Labontes said...

The "normal" parts of life are the best, aren't they?

Those Spiderman outfits look so familiar! We have more of them than I like to admit ;)


Amy said...

Haha - the camel thing is too funny! I think it is great to capture all the moments in writing. Your kids are all too cute!

Julie & Patrick said...

Is there such a thing as Normal with 3 kids? I love that all of the fun you've been having falls into that category!

Anya Rashi seems to always be in constant that...we have one of those too!!

Julie R